:: C' e s t L a V i e ::

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Allah Knows Best...

Allah knows whats best for us,
So, why should we complain?
We always want the sunshine,
But He knows there must be rain,
We always want laughter,
And the merriment of cheer,
But our hearts lose their tenderness,
If we never shed a tear.

Allah test us often with suffering and with sorrow,
He test us not to punish,
But to help us meet tomorrow,
For growing trees is strengthened,
If they withstand the storm and the sharp cut of the chisel,
Give the marble grace and form.

Allah test us often,
And for every pain He gives,
Provided were patient,
Is followed by rich gain,
So, whenever we feel thateverything is going wrong,
It is just Allah's way,
To strengthen our spirits.

May Allah clean our heart and souls from impurities and made us worthy recipient of this grace and benevolence.

May Allah protect us from decline and favour us with infinite mercy. InshaAllah


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